Viewing Mod
More Suitable Lamb Fight Music
Mary had a little lamb...
Created 8 years ago
Oh god, why has it come to this? Why did I take the Negative?

This mod changes the Lamb boss fight music to Mary had a little lamb (as a joke, obviously). Enjoy! (Actual Boss Fight Footage)


x 21
Five Stars... out of however many there are in the known universe.
if any one wants to kill them selfs i have knifes $799.99 i think it is a good deal not like you will need the money after anyways
Marry had a little lamb
Its heart was black as coal
It went into her bed one night and ate her fucking soul
how did the yeven come up whith this??
this fits [b]perfectly when i die here[b]
Too bad this wasn't a mod back when I got the lost kill on this boss before he started with holy mantle
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!