Viewing Mod
Character Mod 2
OP Character 2.0.
Created 9 years ago
Here i show Judas with his Family and Cain with Knife and more Damage Up (If you don't have Mom's Knife you'll get Brimstone) and PHD

This mod does not add additional character slots into the game, it simply changes the starting items and health of the characters. This mod is intended for players who just want to have fun destroying stuff. Some modded characters start with items that are unlockable, like the D6. These items will not appear on the character until you unlock them, meaning some modded characters may be incomplete for players who have not unlocked everything. This mod will NOT unlock characters you do not have.
If you want to have fun without "cheating" or being overpowered, this mod is not for you. I have also uploaded a mod with moderately balanced characters for those of you looking for balance, and a mod that doubles the health of all enemies, for those of you looking for a challenge.
Description of Mod
In this mod, every character has been made ridiculously overpowered, at the request of several posters on the mod request page and BOI reddit. Everyone has 10 keys, 10 bombs, and 30 coins. The full starting items and statistics of the characters can be seen on the character statistics screen in game. Here are the things you should know about each character before playing:
Eden: unchanged
Isaac: Sacred heart, double shots and higher damage, plus the D6.
Secret Character: Issac plus more including shielded tears and holy mantle. Great for surviving.
Maggy: Ludovico Technique and quad shot.
Cain: Cain has his lucky foot, PhD, and Brimstone+Mom's Knife (it works as moms knife but also shoots a lot of knives unlimited range)
Judas: Beastmaster! MANY followers (damage and support) plus enough items to spawn as Lord of the Flies.
???: Pyromaniac + Ipecac!
Eve: Eve is now Guppy! More damage + splitshot as well.
Samson: Lord of the Flies with moderately high damage.
Azazel: Normal Brimstone with high damage!
Lazarus: all 3 techs, and homing to boot!


x 9

- I did changed the description and added my ideas

This mod contains:
Characters & Babies
Enemies & Bosses
Items & Trinkets
General Gameplay
New Enemies
Ok, sorry for not insert Screenshot, and this mod isn't the mod what i did promise! i will update this to my real mod.

I'll explain!

Ah, my name is for other game, not this.

Ok, sorry for not insert Screenshot, and this mod isn't the mod what i did promise! i will update this to my real mod.

I'll explain!

Ah, my name is for other game, not this.
"and more" is really not an enticing promise.
Needs screenshots, and more explanation.
>calls himself platinum god
>probably got the achivment by doing this boring characters
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!