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champion bosses mod
All bosses can be champions like the normal monsters
Created 9 years ago
This mod makes all bosses to be possibly champions including the monsters that cannot be champions in the normal game like spiders, if you want just the normal monsters to be champions there is an archive call "no boss champion" and no longer the bosses can be champions, just the monsters like flys or spiders can be champions now, this is my first mod (and probably the last one XD) that i made, if you see a glitch or anything about it let me know in the comments, i hope you like it , sorry for my bad english. (this mod + champion seed =rainbow nightmare)


x 4
oh hey that's pretty cool
i'm going to try this out
This Mod Is Great! Wanna See An Update With Maby Champion Familiars
omg! thank you for downloading my mod, mmm champion
familiars? i dont think is possible but im gonna try it.

i try it, but because the familiars are "friendly entities" they cannot be champions, and also, if they could be champions, leaving the room would make them "normal", sorry [/b]

April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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