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Markiplier Boss Music
Shirk Haunted + BOI Bosses = Bliss
Created 9 years ago
Literally makes the main boss music Markiplier's Horror Outro Music.

Songname is Shirk - Haunted
Official Song Credit -

Pretty Positive this should work in rebirth and afterbirth, Please notify me if it does not!


x 14
it doesnt work for me even tho i put it in to the resources folder do i have to rename it or something?
The song´s name is "Haunted", cause i guessing that someone didn´t understand
Should be named "Shirk - Haunted Boss music" Not Markiplier Boss music. Who cares if it's markiplier?
becaus not everyone knows the song name?
You are still able to preview the music from pretty much anywhere. Putting the song in the title will make it more known(which is obv a good thing)
Maybe you chaps didn't see, I still put the song credit in the description
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!