Viewing Mod
Sweet Victory credits song
It makes the credits very enjoyable with this song.
Created 8 years ago
Its the Spongebob version of Sweet Victory since its shorter. Enjoy


x 35
Sorry for this question but idk where to put it correctly,I tried it so many times everywhere but doesnt work.... help pls
i downloaded this, mainly because of the older, loud credits music. Still a 10/10.
when i saw this mod: OH GOD YES! when i used said mod: *Dying of laughter*
amazing! i use this mod for left4dead2 aswell!
what is really needed is a He Man HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA boss fight or credits song
I know this song is real, but I cant help but remember the spongebob episode
The audio was taken from the spongebob episode because its shorter.
I cried with joy when I beat the keeper with this
I know right, any victory makes it amazing.
I love this. Thank you for reminding of one of the best episodes of Spongebob.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
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