Viewing Mod
VGM Music Pack 3
Even MORE music from various places
Created 9 years ago

I made another one.

This one has been tweaked to make all the songs loop seamlessly (or almost seamlessly).

It also has a much greater variety of music, including more sources from outside of games.

Install by placing the music folder next to the packed folder in the resources folder in the game's files.

VGMMP4 out now.

EDIT: Track Listing
Title - In Case Of Trouble - Darren Korb
Basement - Slinger's Song - Darren Korn
Cellar - Mausoleum Mash - Danny Baranowsky
Burning Basement - Alpine Incline (Ground) - David Wise
Caves - Timelapse - Scattle
Catacombs - Crypteque - Danny Baranowsky
Flooded Caves - Aquatic Temple - redngreen
Depths - Osaka Sewers - Mega Drive
Necropolis - Memory Dealer - Mega Drive
Dank Depths - Frozen Frenzy - David Wise
Womb - Plus Four - M.O.O.N
Scarred Womb - Hemolysis - Chris Christodoulou
Cathedral - Take Flight - Craig Austin -
(really hard to find otherwise, doesn't have original name and is normally only available on an obscure stock music website)
Chest - Paradise Warfare - Carpenter Brut
Sheol - Secret Santana - Ridiculon
Dark Room - Lights Out - Scattle
Blue Womb - Corruption - Scott Lloyd Shelley

Boss - Turf - El Huevo
Boss Alt - Dew Point - Chris Christodoulou
Ambush - Terminal March - Darren Korb
Mom - The Masked Gentleman's Theme - Tomohito Nishiura -
(again, hard to find with just the name and composer)
It Lives - C.H.A.D.'s Lullaby - Danny Baranowsky
Isaac - Minuit A Fond La Caisse - Alias Conrad Coldwood
??? - That Sinking Feeling - Swallow Studios
Satan - Division Ruine - Carpenter Brut
The Lamb - Dregs(of a bitter cup) - Makkon
Hush - 347 Midnight Demons - Carpenter Brut
Ultra Greed - Roller Mobster - Carpenter Brut

Calm - Emmentaler Stollen - David Wise
Secret Room - Flatline - Scattle
Shop - The Way Of The Dodo(41 seconds in) - Chris Christodoulou
Library - Far Out(end) - Scattle
Arcade - Miami Disco - Pertubator
Devil - Darkness aka Crush Depth - SY1K1/kamakazi (at 16.42)
Angel - Arc Lights - SY1K1/kamakazi
Death - Seashore War - David Wise
Credits - Coming To A Deli Near You - Ridiculon


x 22

- Made the music volume a bit more equal

April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!