Viewing Mod
Better Infamy
More like the boss
Created 9 years ago
I thought the item didn't look enough like the boss, so I added blood from the eyes and made the eyes more agressive. There are two versions: one where the visual effect matches the pedestal icon, and one where the pedestal icon matches the visual effect. Thanks to epicbob57 for the screenshots!


x 16
I have a question: Can I use the textures to my fashion BOSS MOD?
much to me as pszydało to Azazel (Mask Of Infamy)
Sure, but please credit me if you can. No big deal if you can't though
could i use this mod for a comunity remix called ``the modding of isaac``?
* wow this mod touches my memes in just the right way.
* thanks M'lord.
Now, I just need to get Transcedence + Isaac's Heart and I can become a boss!
Now I can blend in... Wait... I'm Missing a heart...
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!