Viewing Mod
Baby Guppy
Baby Guppy replaces Rotten Baby
Created 10 years ago
I looked through the co-op sprites and found this cute Guppy Baby, so I thought : "Well, Rotten Baby spawns flies, so might as well use this mini Guppy instead"

Put the resorces folder and its content in your "SteamApps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\" folder.

~ might cause confusion when the Co-op player spawns also as mini Guppy

~ might cause more taken damage due to admiring cute little kitty Guppy ^^


x 58
replaces rotten baby?? that sounds kinda sad considering that guppy died

nice skin tho
replaces rotten baby?? that sounds kinda sad considering that guppy died

nice skin tho
Do You use some kind of Basement skin?
My only problem is that there is no way to add this to the guppy transformation items
What a wonderful mod idea. Definitely a must have.
Thanks for sharing.
Actually, I can't get this to work. Where exactly are we supposed to put the files? In the resources folder, right?
I never modded Rebirth, so I am only speaking from Afterbirth experience here:
For this particular mod, just extract the characters & items folders into your steamapps - common - The binding of Isaac Rebirth - resources - gfxfolder. The items.xml file should be the only one placed directly into your resources folder.
Hopefully you won't overwrite anything once you do the above steps. If you do get prompted to overwrite anything other than a folder, then you have conflicting mods and need to make some tough choices.
For instance, I wished to have this mod:
and this Baby Guppy mod, but both include a modified items.xml file. So I merely changed the Clearer Item Description xml file to include the Baby Guppy line using a text editor.

Hope that helps.
You can never have enough guppy
This looks cool It also makes perfect sense so I will for sure use it, good job
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