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Stat Bar Mod V1.1
Replaces the stat pips with easier-to-understand bars
Created 9 years ago
NOTE: This mod is no-longer being updated. This means that it still has some of the bars incorrectly positioned, and it still uses the shitty stock gradient tool. If you want to download it, go ahead, but I won't be updating this any more.
This mod was created just because the stat pips weren't good enough. Rather than being easily able to read my stats, I was left with some vague marks that were really odd and hard to understand. I made these bars in the hope that people can make use of it for their runs. I don't know if it'll work with Rebirth, I've only tested it on Afterbirth. Some feedback on this would be great, and I'd change the thread accordingly.

I know there are bugs with the mod at the moment, so simply state:
What Stat bar is glitching (e.g. Luck, Damage)
How strong the stat is (How many segments are filled in)
What Mod Version it is, so I can see if I've already patched it, and whether you just need to update the mod (The mod version is in the title of this thread).
A screenshot would help so I can see how the bars are wrong.

How to install:
I simply used the Simple Mod Loader by WofSauge, available here:
For installing mods using the other method most people use, check out the help section on this website, available here:

ajypro (me) for creating the bars
The team who creating The Binding of Isaac Rebirth/Afterbirth
(NICALIS, Edmund Mcmillen etc.)


x 24

- 1.1 Fixes the full damage bar being incorrectly positioned.

It still with some incorrectly positioned
Whoops. Forgot to archive this mod. Sorry for not replying earlier.
Wow! This mod is very useful! Although I would rather use Missing Hud...
Fair enough, I don't use Missing Hud myself, but I understand that many people like it.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!