Viewing Mod
No music's intros
This mod for easy uploading music in your game!
Created 9 years ago

This mod delete all layers and intro of original music for easy uploading your favorite music in game! Just change name of your song and add this song in music folder!

Basement: "Diptera Sonata(Basement)"
Caves: "The Caves"
Depths: "The Depths"
Cellar: "The Cellar Alt"
Catacombs: "Catacombs"
Necropolis: "Necropolis"
Womb/Utero: "The Womb Chapter Four"
Isaac's diary: "You Died"
Boss Fight: "Fight" and "Basic Boss Fight"
Cathedral: "Cathedral Chant"
Sheol: "Sheol"
Dark Room: "Dark Room Alt Chapter"
Chest: "Chest Room Chapter 6"
Burning Basement: "burning basement Loop"
Flooded Caves: "Kave Diluvii (Flooded Caves) loop"
Dank Depths: "Pulso Profundum (dank Depths ) Loop"
Scarred Womb: "Cicatrix (Scarred Womb) Loop"
Blue Womb: "Nativitate (Dead Womb Floor) Loop"
Mom fight: "Mom Fight"
Mom's Heart fight: "Womb Fight"
Isaac fight: "Isaac Fight"
Satan fight: "Satan Fight"
Lamb fight: "Dark Room Fight"
????????????????????????????????????? fight: "Chest Fight"
Boss fight number 2: "Cerebrum Dispersio (boss alt) Loop"
HUSH!: "Morituros (dead womb boss) Loop"
SUPER MEGA ULTRA GREED: "Chorus Mortis (Punk Credit) Loop"
Library room: "Library"
Secret room: "Secret to Everyone"
Devil Room: "Deal With the Devil"
Angel Room: "Angel Room"
Shop: "Store Loop"
Arcade room: "Retro Beats 8-6-14"
Boss room piano: "The Calm"
Challenge room: "Ambush"
Title: "Title Screen"
Credits: "Credits Roll"

All songs files must bee in .ogg format.

Online converter to .ogg format



x 6

- Delete layers

- Delete layers!

This shouldn't be a graphics mod and should be a tool, you should be able to edit this in the edit menu, right below the description should be a bar that says "Graphics", click it and change it to tools then re-upload the icon and screenshots.

Then I can give you the seal of approval.
Is it ok if I use this to make a mod?
This is amazing! The most annoying thing to mod in is music! This makes it a lot easier!
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!