Viewing Mod
The Lost: Slightly improved!
The Lost is now the Afterbirth version!
Created 9 years ago
Rebirth Owners!

Ever wished you had Afterbirth, not for the new items, but for the fact that The Lost is slightly easier??

Well, now you can enjoy the same experience, without making The Lost overpowered!

This mod, simply, gives The Lost Holy Mantle, the D4, and spectral tears

This Mod Is Rebirth Only.


x 11

- Added the D4.

Can you tell me the link to your profile?
Could you by any chance make the D4 optional?
Like, you don't have to start with the D4 if you don't want to?
Not really until AB+, but you don't have to use the D4 if you don't want to, so...
I feel like the D4 is just a copout as the lost. Afterberts sorta buffed him enough to make it seem unfulfilling to win as him, since you've got Synergy-o-matic D4.
Well, if you use the D4, you lose Holy Mantle, so...
And you lose spectral tears...
Which is exactly why I don't want the d4!
So don't use it. This mod's purpose is to make the Rebirth version of The Lost as close to the Afterbirth version as possible.
I don't need this mod, but this mod would be helpful for people who can't afford Afterbirth! Good job!
Thanks, took me about 5 minutes xD
Lol just added the items and done! XD
Well, I also edited costumes2.xml to make dead dove not change character appearance
The Lost also has the D4. Next update should add that.
the lost IS part of the afterbirth mod
That is because it makes The Lost into the Afterbirth version.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!