Viewing Mod
Better Looking <3
Hearts look... 'Eh' in Binding of Isaac. Let's fix that.
Created 9 years ago
You think hearts look dull?

You think they look boring?

Too bland?

Uh... you don't?

Well... uh...

Have this anyways, woohoo!

This mod changes all hearts to be slightly more shaded, and have less of an outline.


x 120

- Woop woop, heart pickups now more shiny!

can you put this up in the Steam Workshop?
The mod isn't working for me. Don't know why.
So little difference, but still awesome for some reason!!
Will this ever be updated to work with bone hearts?
Because with this mod on i can't play The Forgotten.
Please help me i has the same problem
I can't figure out how to install this, I put it into "resources" folder but nothing happens. Am I missing something?
Rename the "packed" folder to something like packed_old and it will work
I renamed "packed" into packed_old, and the game kept crashing on start up, I changed it back into only packed, and the game start working, so changing the packed folder name causes the game to not start up, putting the gfx folder into resources worked for me, you have to extract it from the zip, and then put the gfx folder in the resources folder
Dang. these are really good, much better than the old one.
Does it work on Mac? I'm downloaded it and nothing changed.
This looks great! But what saddens me is that I can't have my invaders as hearts
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!