Viewing Mod
Only Angel Items
Ensure an Angel Room Item!
Created 9 years ago
This mod is very simple.

All Angel Rooms that did not contain an item (such as the 3 Soul Heart or 2 Eternal Heart Rooms) Have been removed.

This means you will ALWAYS get a deal with the Angel.

Also removed was the Angel Deal room that spawned a Bomb behind the statue. While that DID have an item in it, that room is not fun.


No Balance Changes, No "I added new rooms", just this.

This is my first mod.


x 44

- Ensured the mod worked

- Updated to include Greed Mode Rooms

- Bought Isaac an Ice Cream Cone

- Removed the following rooms:

- - - - - - - - - -

- From 18.greed special.stb

- = Angel 6

- = Angel 2

- = Angel 3

- = Angel 4

- = Angel 5

- Really Version 1.0 - January 15, 2016

- I suck at changelogs, sorry

- Uploaded Mod

- Removed the following rooms:

- - - - - - - - - -

- From 00.special rooms.stb

- = Angel 7

- = Angel 8

- = Angel 4

- = Angel 3

Hello gBGrapz,

Would you be mad at me, if I used your mod and added a 100% item chance to curse rooms too?
While it's very simple, it helps people out a lot lol thanks.
doe it effect unlocks and achievements?
It shouldn't. No mods affect unlocks and achievements.
this is something that shouldn't even be a mod. it should just be in the game
Yaaaaaaaay. I hate those rooms filled with blue hearts, so you have my respectful thanks.
Does this mean in greed mode those stupid 6 coin deals are gone?
"Gave Isaac an ice cream cone." wat
I search this mod a lot of time, thanks
Neat. This and a modded angel room item pool will ensure good times.
Well I mean, cool. But in many cases I would prefer 4 soul hearts or an eternal heart. I can only assume that you used the basement renovator, and if you can do this, you can probably add some rooms / replace the ones you removed with more interesting rooms. I mean, the least you can do is add an item in the rooms that didn't have items in them.
It was a request on the subreddit, nobody had replied and it was fairly easy to do.

I know I could have done more with it, but I figured I would just do something simple for a first mod.
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!