Viewing Mod
Extremely overpowered start [Afterbirth]
for those who want completely pure mindless fun!
Created 9 years ago
The creator of the original mod (Disturbed) gave me permission to update his mod, i tried to keep the base formula as much as i could, while also adding small changes, so, about the mod:
This mod gives you all items considered powerful by players in the starting room (Meaning they will also appear once you go to another floor, until cathedral/sheol), grab any items you want, try any combinations you wish, the limit is your imagination! (And your computer, of course)
Last note: please, only use this mod if you have 1001%, or atleast Real Platinum God, dont cheat your way up, if you do, you're removing the fun from the game (Try just using another save)
Here's a link to the original Rebirth version:


x 1177

- Added Mac installation to the README.txt file

Doesnt work. wont show up in mods, does nothing.
did you put the rooms folder in the resources folder
For the ones saying it doesn't work. You must put the rooms folder in the resources folder. That's the only thing that matters.
does this work on afterbirth+?
Sorry to bother, butt make sure you are using the right version of the mod. This one is for Afterbirth, and there is a link to the Rebirth version in the description.
I hoped you solved the issue, butt if not I will gladly try to help you solve it.
thank you it works now. the mod is great and i hope you have a gret day.
i drop the folder in the resources folder and when i launch the game it exits. am i supposed to extract and then drop the room folder?
did you figure it out because miunews doing the same thing
I put it in the folders and the mod doesn't work for me, what do I do?
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!