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Box of TOO many friends!
Box of friend's charge is now 1!
Created 8 years ago
Changes Lilith's item "Box of friends" to have a charge of one! If this concept has been done before I did not know!


x 37
Finally I can make completing Lilith on Hard mode way easier!
I just want to use a good version of the box of friends but these mods don't work or me!
This mod, much like the 2 box charge and the 3 box charge mods for me, doesn't work... Any help?
If he didn't have afterbirth, he wouldn't even have a box of friends.
Box of friends is now worth a whole use item slot!
Enabling greedy decimation.
Launching in 5...
Wait no it's actually at one.
my game crashed as soon as i walked in to the first room where i get my items...... pls help
After having used this mod for a few days it's been kinda weird, sometimes during runs where I break box of friends suddenly stops working (even on the first use), even with just 4-7 familiars. Could be because of all the other items but kinda weird how it doesn't work once and then after purposely getting hit to get another charge from habit it works.
I have noticed with my other Mod (Broken Friends) that it does have a limit but I have noticed it does stop working at random points so I believe that is either the item itself or my mod's fault sorry for the inconvenience.
can you make the item to the shop at the game plz
b-but it's already in the shop item pool
This is insane! In the awesome way! Sooo many friends! Popular! XD
Should be 2 charges xD or 3. 1 isn't fair at all, but hey you did better than the creator when he nerfed her.
Yes TyDye, since Lillith is a character introduced in afterbirth and this is her signature item (like the D6 for Isaac) then I'm pretty sure it's for it. ;^y
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