Viewing Mod
Minecraft Steve Mod
Playable Minecraft Steve
Created 9 years ago
In this mod you play as the main character from Minecraft, Steve. It changed Isaac to Steve. No mobs or floors are effected just the player.

So if you want to have a bit of Minecraft in your game then this is a good mod to download.


x 14

- Steve now starts with the Notched Axe

- Steve's head is outlined with black

- More of Steve's body has been fixed (not all)

- Steve's head is less square

- Some of Steve's body has been fixed (not all)

diamond sword to major steve
Minecraft Steve Take me by the block lead me to the biome that you understand

Oh Minecraft Steve the adventure to the mine shaft with the diamonds is really cool

Oh Minecraft Steve the mine filled with diamonds is super good and I wish to come back

Minecraft steve take me by the block lead me to the biome that you understand

Ah Minecraft Steve the adventure to the Mineshaft with the diamonds is really cool

Oh Minecraft Steve the mine filled with diamonds is super good and I wish to come back

Minecraft Steve
Ah Minecraft Steve
Minecraft Steve

Ah Minecraft Steve take me by the block lead me to the biome that you understand

Minecraft Steve the adventure to the mine shaft with the diamonds is really cool

Oh Minecraft Steve the mine filled with diamonds is super good and I wish to come back

Oh Minecraft Steve take me by the block lead me to the biome that you understand

Ah Minecraft Steve the adventure to the Mineshaft with the diamonds is really cool

Oh Minecraft Steve the mine filled with diamonds is super good and I wish to come back

Minecraft Steve

more... mooooreeeee :p add bosses, enemies, etc. was creepers (mullibooms), skeletons, zombies, endermens, blazes (imps), ghasts, etc.
i dont know if i could do that but i will see if it works
if you do not want do not, it's just a suggestion
A lot of you have asked me to make him start with the Notched Axe and i have now done that
you should give him the notched pickaxe to start with
Don't worry Steve, in the basement there is no creepers... there are worst things.
keep making more of these awesome mods
hey, man, i can use this for my mod of christmas?
if you mention my steve in your mod
re-texture moms knife as a diamond sword and im sold.
(If you want help re-texturing it, I can for you)
I an going to re-texture the sword item to a diamond sword
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
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