Viewing Mod
Varying special rooms mod: Rebirth!
Rebirth version of the varying special rooms mod!
Created 9 years ago
DISCLAIMER: This mod does NOT affect your achievement unlocking!

DISCLAIMER 2: This mod is NOT compatible with any other mod, not with the Varying Item Rooms, not with Godmode. It's not compatible now, and it'll likely never be.

This mod adds 270 rooms to your game.

-65 new item rooms!
-55 new curse rooms! (watch out for mazes!)
-33 new challenge rooms!
-18 new devil deal rooms!
-16 new secret rooms!
-15 new angel rooms! (deal with the angel?)
-13 new Super Secret rooms!
-10 new arcades!
-10 new Sacrifice rooms!
-8 new Boss Rush rooms!
-8 new Libraries!
-5 new chest rooms!
-4 new Black Markets!
-4 new Isaacs Bedrooms!
-3 new shops
-3 new dice room
-Dice rooms can contain any of the dice items!

Things that are changed:
-Spider Curse room is now a curse room that contains a golden key!
-WOMB II/UTERO II devil rooms now contains 2 deals with the devil!
-WOMBII/UTERO II angel room now contains 1 angel room item and 1 soul heart!
-Made the item in the secret room and challenge room a bit more common!
-Given the Krampus fight a chance to spawn with the Perhtro rune for al of your devil item needs. (don't abuse it please)

Tip from the creator:
With this mod, consider taking the hanged man card, you can benefit strongly from it.

How to install: Extract the .rar inside:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\resources

More to come! Stay tuned!

If you notice a bug or a broken room of some sorts, leave it down in in the comments


x 197
how do you dowload it i need more detail

*clap* *clap* *clap* Good job. The amount of troll rooms are funny.
Friends, it compitable with Antibirth
nice man didnt know antibirth has compactiblity with stuff changing mods (yes i know you can change sfx and gfx files)
it also has compatibility with item-changing mods, or at least the infinite item charge mod
I hvae no idea why it isnt working for me i did everything you told me to and it still does not work
It doesn't work for me. I have put the file into my "resources" folder in the binding of isaac-folder, but it doesn't work. I have Antibirth installed, but i also tried with normal rebirth. What do i do?
When the mod would be compatible with Afterbirth+ ?
Do you know if this is compatible with Antibirth?
I can confirm that this version of the mod does work with 2658, but the Item Rooms from AB will not be affected (ones in Downpour, Mines, Mausoleum, Red Item Rooms).
When i download it i get a .RAR version how do i fix that
Ok mod. I like how it adds a little more challenge.
the mod actually works with the agony of issac mod
April 10, 2022 - 3 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!