Viewing Mod
Adds a new character to the game! (Version 1.2)
Created 9 years ago
- Replaces Blue Baby
- Starting with 2 Black hearts
- New starting Items:

- Little Challenge for the Mod

- Play as Bob (Blue Baby)
- Defeat Isaac
- Play on Hardmode
- It's not allowed to take items from Angel Rooms

21.3.2016 GUPPY Character Mod Release!

- Its my first Mod Have fun! ~Joni


x 6

- Screenshots updated

- Graphic fix in the character menu

- Now replaces Blue Baby

- Now starting with 2 black hearts

- Now holding BOB'S BRAIN instead of HOLY MANTLE

I put it in resources, and it doesnt show up.
I put it in resources, and it doesnt show up.
I try to make a rebirth version =)
hello. Would It be possible to make a mod that ONLY gave "???" moms knife and blue map? If so, many thanks!
Yup^^ It's possible it would be the next mod that I release
Excellent! It works just how I want It to!
If you just want to change a character's starting items, you can also use the character editor.
Maybe you should add The Leech since Sloth spawns in maggots and Sloth is Bob after all
my shadow would be better for that
You can remove the Holy Shield and add bob brain, holy shield is so OP
he should replace blue baby, that would be more fair
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!