Binding of Isaac - Afterbirth+ Lua Reference/Guide
The game uses .XML files to store alot of ingame contents in an easily readable and editable format.
This file is used to store general informations about the ingame achievements.
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
id | int | Ingame-Id of the Achievement |
text | string | Description |
gfx | string | .png file path based on the "gfxroot" attribute of the "achievements" xml root. |
steam_name | string | Name of achievement on Steam |
steam_description | string | Description (not used) |
steam_icon | string | Icon name of the achievement sprite for Steam. |
This file is used to store spawning patterns for the wave system of Ambush rooms.
This file is used to store informations about coop-babies.
Placing this file in a resource folder of a mod and removing entries causes crashes.
Used to store all challenges and some of their attributes.
Placing this file in a resource folder of a mod will override the original.
Placing this file in a content folder of a mod will add a new Custom challenge.
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
id | int | Ingame-Id of the Challenge (Not needed for Content Folder) |
name | string | Name of the Challenge |
startingitems | string list | Comma separated (nospace) item ids that will be added at the start. |
startingtrinkets | string list | comma separated (nospace) trinket ids that will be added at the start (max 2) |
startingpill | string list | startingpill = effect id of the starting pill (-1 for no pill | default)) |
playertype | string | player type id (0 for Isaac | default). Custom characters cant be defined this way! Use LUA code instead. |
endstage | string | the last stage of the challenge (use LevelStage internal ids) |
roomfilter | string list | list of room ids to not be generated in challenge [Not all room ids can be used] (NORMAL - 1, Shop - 2, Error - 3, Treasure - 4, Boss - 5, Miniboss - 6, Secret - 7, SuperSecret - 8, Arcade - 9, Curse - 10, Challenge - 11, Library - 12, Sacrifice - 13, Devil - 14, Angel - 15, Dungeon - 16, Bossrush - 17, Isaacs - 18, Barren - 19, Chest - 20, Dice - 21, BMarket - 22). |
cursefilter | string | bitmask for curses to be removed (Darkness = 1, Labyrinth = 2, Lost = 4, Unknown = 8, Cursed = 16) |
getcurse | string | bitmask for curses to be forced (Same id's as curse filter) |
achievements | string list | list of achievement ids that are required to be able to play the challenge |
altpath | bool | alternative floor for light/dark path (isaac/satan) |
canshoot | bool | determines if player can shoot (true | default) |
redhp | int | Add red hp to the base of the choosen character. 2 = 1 Heart. Negative numbers possible |
maxhp | int | Add red hp containers to the base of the choosen character. 2 = 1 Heartcontainer. Negative numbers possible |
soulhp | int | Add soul hp containers to the base of the choosen character. 2 = 1 Heartcontainer |
blackhp | int | Add black hp containers to the base of the choosen character. 2 = 1 Heartcontainer |
coins | int | Add starting coins |
maxdamage | bool | Max. damage actived (clamps at min 100) or deactivated |
adddamage | float | + damage up |
minfirerate | float | minimal fire rate or more |
minshotspeed | bool | minimal shot speed actived or deactivated |
bigrange | bool | Enable high starting range value |
difficulty | bool | game difficulty (0 - normal | default, 1 - hard | 2 - Greed | 3 - Greedier) Greed and greedier mode work, but when killing Ultra Greed, the big Chest spawns, instead of a trophy |
megasatan | bool | last boss is megasatan. Adds the Key to the player. |
Defines Costumes informations.
Placing this file in a resource folder of a mod will override the original.
Placing this file in a content folder of a mod will add a new Costumes. See the Tutorial on "Adding Costumes" for more informations.
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
id | int | Ingame-Id of the Costume. Will be overridden by the game when file is in content folder. |
anm2path | string | Path to the .anm2 file |
type | string | Type of the costume. Available: none | passive | active | familiar | trinket |
priority | int | Priority of the costume. higher number means higher priority |
overwriteColor | bool | Define if a costume overrides the body color of the character (default: false) |
isFlying | bool | Define if a costume displays a flying character (default: false) |
skinColor | int | Define what skincolor that costume has. (default: 0) |
hasSkinAlt | bool | Define if a costume has alternative versions for all other the skin colors (default: false) |
hasOverlay | bool | Define if a costume has an overlayeffect (default: false) |
Stores the names and ids of the available curses.
Placing this file inside a mods resources folder will rename curses.
Placing this file in a content folder of a mod will add a new Curse. The new curse must be applied using lua, since it cant be encountered normally!
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
id | int | Ingame-Id of the Curse. Will be overridden by the game when file is in content folder. |
name | string | Name of the Curse |
old tutorial:
old tutorial:
Used to store all animation paths to the nightmares (dream sequence between stage transitions)
Placing this file in a resource folder of a mod will override the original.
Placing this file in a content folder of a mod will add new nightmares.
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
anm2 | string | Path to the .anm2 file of the nightmare |
old tutorial: