File "stages.xml"⚓︎
This file is used to store informations about the Levels / Stages of the game.
Resource-Folder: Placing this file in your mods "resource" folder will replace the original file.
Content-Folder: Placing this file in your mods "content" folder has no effect!
Variable-Name | Possible Values | Description |
id | int | Internal identifier of the Stage |
name | string | Display name of the Stage |
path | string | Filename of the .stb file found in the "rooms" folder, BUT written as an .xml file path (simply replace .stb with .xml in your filename) |
playerspot | string | Path to the .png file, displayed under the player sprite, that should be used for the Boss-Fight-transition animation |
bossspot | string | Same is playerspot, but displayed under the boss sprite |
Last update:
February 27, 2021