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File "itempools.xml"⚓︎

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Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
Id int (Optional)
The id of the item in the itempool
When using this variable, you can't use the "name" variable.
Name String (Optional, recommended) The name of the item in the itempool.
When using this variable, you can't use the "id" variable.
Weight float Relative "likelyhood" that this item can be drawn from the pool. Default = 1 . If this value reaches the "RemoveOn" value, the item will no longer be drawn from the pool
DecreaseBy float Value on how often the item can be drawn from the pool. Default = 1
Everytime an item is drawn from the pool, this value is substracted from its Weight. This makes the item appear less likely on reroll till the weight reaches the "RemoveOn" value.
RemoveOn float Value on which Weight value the item is no longer able to be drawn from the pool. Default = "0.1"

Item count calculation⚓︎

The amount on how often an item will be in the itempool is determined with the following equation:

math.ceil( ( Weight - RemoveOn ) / DecreaseBy )
( math.ceil rounds a number to the next biggest integer )


Example Code

This code describes an item pool with 3 items in it.

    <Pool Name="myItempool">
            <!--The Sad Onion --- 1 times in the Pool-->
        <Item Id="1" Weight="1" DecreaseBy="1" RemoveOn="0.1"/>
            <!--The Inner Eye --- 5 times in the Pool (10-1)/2 = 4.5 => 5 -->
        <Item Id="2" Weight="11" DecreaseBy="2" RemoveOn="1"/>
             <!--Spoon Bender --- 4 times in the pool (1-0.1)/0.25 = 3.6 => 4 -->
        <Item Id="3" Weight="1" DecreaseBy="0.25" RemoveOn="0.1"/>

Last update: March 10, 2021