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File "costumes2.xml"⚓︎

Defines Costume informations.

Resource-Folder: Placing this file in a resource folder of a mod will override the original.

Content-Folder: Placing this file in a content folder of a mod will add a new Costumes. See the Tutorial on "Adding Costumes" for more informations.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int Ingame-Id of the Costume. Will be overridden by the game when file is in content folder.
anm2path string Path to the .anm2 file
type string Type of the costume. Available: none
priority int Priority of the costume. higher number means higher priority
overwriteColor bool Define if a costume overrides the body color of the character (default: false)
isFlying bool Define if a costume displays a flying character (default: false)
skinColor int Define what skincolor that costume has. (default: 0)
hasSkinAlt bool Define if a costume has alternative versions for all other the skin colors (default: false)
hasOverlay bool Define if a costume has an overlayeffect (default: false)

Last update: February 27, 2021