Class "GridEntityPressurePlate"⚓︎
Inherits from Class:⚓︎
Reward ()⚓︎
void Reward ( )⚓︎
Triggers the spawning of the reward as if the plate would be pressed, without actually pressing it.
Greed mode behavior
When in greedmode and used on the Greedmode-pressureplate, it has multiple effects:
When no wave is active, it will spawn a random reward analog to the normal pressure plate pool.
When a wave is active, it will spawn a wave, wihtout increasing the wave counter.
RNG GreedModeRNG⚓︎
RNG object that determines the RNG of anything GreedMode related.
string NextGreedAnimation⚓︎
Defines the animation that the greed-mode pressureplate should play. This effect is only visual!
Every Animation defined in the "grid_pressureplate.anm2" file can be used as an input. Any other input will crash the game!
Sprite TimerPlate⚓︎
Reference to the Sprite of the Timerplate beneath the pressureplate in Greed mode.
Last update:
June 9, 2021