Viewing Mod
Rainbow Hearts
Changes all heart pickups and health bar into rainbow hearts
Created 9 years ago
Small mod made in celebration of gay marriage being legalized in the states.

* Heart pickups are now all rainbow hearts, although still distinguishable
* The same for hearts in the health bar
* Black heart pop-up when damaged is also rainbow.


x 12
Thanks! I didn't put a ton of time into it, but I like to think I did a pretty decent job.
Not really. It's just a hideous prismatic mess. You can't even tell the're hearts. Just more bandwagoning.
To be fair I'm not really bandwagoning considering that I happen to be transgender and the equal marriage decision applies to a lot of people I care about, but okay.

Also they're literally the exact same shape as hearts in the original game, so your comment is sort of moot.
April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!