The Memeing of Memic: Aftermeme
Everything is Memes!
What does this mod do?
The Memeing of Memic changes all of the item/trinket names and descriptions to have at least one instance of the word Meme in them. This makes the game both more challenging (some items are now harder to distinguish from others based on the text), as well as more hilarious.
Current Changes!
[All Collectible Items are changed]
[All Trinkets are changed]
Planned Features!
[Changed Pill/Card/Rune Descriptions]
[All item sprites changed to the word Meme]
[All characters changed to meme names and having sprites of said memes]
[Whatever other dumb stuff pops in my head while working on this]
Is this compatible with just Rebirth?
I'm fairly sure it isn't, though if someone could let me know, I'll update this section. A rebirth version could easily be done, as the afterbirth items are in their own separate section of the text file.
Other Mods by ChaosPlaymate
Copy and paste the link into your browser:
[SUPER Binding of Isaac:]
[Quote (Cave Story) Character Mod:]
[Undertale Bosses:]
With new sprites for items, bosses and characters.
Let's start a whole new MEME ARMY!
such undertale
many souls
but why
why tho