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The Reborn Lamb
Bhaaaa I'm More Good Looking
Created 8 years ago
I have no clue why I made this but I was derping and saw that the lamb was shooting purple beams (It was a champ TWICE IN A ROW) so i was like MHA why not and that's why this is here. (P.S there are 2 hidden references one easy to find one relay relay hard) (P.S.S He kinda glows)
Now with
Red: For his nonChamp Brimstone
Blue: For the fire in his body for stage 2
Purple: I was too lazy to remove it but not to edit it


x 1

- now has red, blue

April 10, 2022 - 2 years ago
Hey! We have a new Discord server. You can find more information in the announcements channel there. See you there!